If your lead pastor has abruptly left….you’ve come to the right place!
If you’re searching for help because your senior pastor is gone and you don’t know what to do next….you’ve come to the right place!
If you need hope because the leadership vacuum has made the road ahead unclear….you’ve come to the right place!
Transition Resource Ministry (TRM) is here to provide what you need as a leader to navigate the uncertainties of a sudden, abrupt, or even traumatic pastoral transition.
This website will give you, and the rest of the leadership team, resources and hope to help you lead confidently amid the uncertainty of this season.
I won’t sugarcoat anything. An abrupt pastoral transition unleashes powerful rip-tides in a church. This unique season can appear bewildering and confusing. But the good news is that others have been where you are now. There is wise advice to be found, there are those who can speak into your situation and walk with you. And that, my friend, can make all the difference in the world!
What you will find on this website
TRM is committed to providing the needed resources to help high level church decision-makers lead confidently through abrupt pastoral transition, so their church can thrive amid uncertainty.
Whether it was a moral failure, death, or for unknown reasons your pastor joined the Great Resignation that’s occurring, many churches are going through the painful experience of having their senior pastor exit quickly. The speed of departure means something has gone horribly wrong. This unforeseen event typically sends shock-waves through the church. What the leadership team does in the first 90 days is critical to how the church will recover.
After over 40 years of pastoral ministry, specialized training as an intentional interim, and leading 7 widely divergent churches through pastoral transition, I am convinced of two truths:
- Pastoral transition is less of a problem to manage, and more of a season to shepherd.
- A church doesn’t have to just survive through a transition, but can actually thrive in it.
How I can be of help to you
I want you to have the practical resources you need to lead your church well. This website will link you to my blogs, the two workbooks I’ve written “Aftermath” and “First 90 Days” (contact me about purchasing either of them), and a “Resource” section which will provide additional help.
Let me also recommend that you click on the “About Me” button to see how I can be of personal help. Don’t hesitate to contact me at rick@interimpastor.org with any questions. I will give an hour of free coaching to any individual or church without obligation.
Finally, before you leave, go to the right-side of this page and sign-up to receive regular input on the issues that surround an abrupt pastoral transition. When you sign-up I’ll send you an exclusive executive summary on keeping the big picture in mind when the details threaten to overwhelm.